endangered animals dominical

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

endangered animals dominical

This learning has made us aware of the importance of protecting the native habitat and planting native tree species -- not only to save individual species, but also to reestablish the natural habitat for animals. We will be happy to show you our progress in our reforestation efforts and also advise you about which trees and plants will bring back more wildlife on your lot.Costa Rica has become one of the most popular travel destinations for international travelers. It is often called "the Switzerland of Central America."

Political Stability – 
Costa Ricans are very proud of their democracy, one of the oldest in Latin America – over 100 years, and peaceful history. Through its constitution, the country abolished its army in 1948 and invested the resources previously committed to military defense in education and health initiatives. Over 80 percent of the citizens participate in the political process.

The People – 
Costa Ricans, or “Ticos,” are happy, friendly and gracious people. Their common greeting is “Pura Vida!” There is a prosperous and growing middle class. The 93 percent literacy rate is the highest in Latin America. Education is free and compulsory for all children and youth. The Costa Rican health care system, modeled after the Canadian system, includes both public and private care providers. The life expectancy for Costa Ricans is the same as for Americans.

Natural diversity and beauty -
Costa Rica comprises only 0.01 percent of the earth’s landmass (less than 20,000 square miles), yet it is home to five percent of the planet’s animal and plant species. There are more species of plants and animals per acre in Costa Rica than anywhere in the world. Biodiversity is evident everywhere: 10,000 species of plants, 850 species of birds, 800 species of butterflies, 500 species of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. You don’t have to travel far within the country to experience a different and unique ecosystem: mountains over 12,000 feet; active volcanoes; cloud and rain forests; waterfalls and tropical jungles; banana, sugar, pineapple, coffee, and papaya plantations; mangrove forest and coastal swamps; and beaches and marine environments that support a variety of water fowl, fish and crustaceans.

  • Manu villa rental Dominical offers boat tours to Corcovado Nation Park. ... the Corcovado park and it protects endangered species such as the jaguar, puma
  • Sportfishing Dominical, Costa Rica Sportfishing Dominical... and 30 fresh water fish species, as well as several endangered animals
  • Dominical is a beachfront town home to a prosperous and friendly community. ... Corcovado National Park is located) is home to many endangered species

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